Law Office of Amy Page

Parenting Coordination, Mediation, Guardian ad Litem Services

When requested by judges or attorneys, Judge Amy Page serves in select cases as a guardian ad litem and as a parenting coordinator. As a neutral court expert, Amy Page brings a combination of experience, education and practical perspective to each case. Due to her background in family law trial and appellate work, she appreciates the value that a qualified guardian ad litem or parenting coordinator can add to a difficult custody case. Guardians ad litem and parenting coordinators add the most value when their work is thorough, prompt, and fair to both sides.

While there are hundreds of Oklahoma attorneys who may say, "Sure, I'll be a guardian ad litem!" there are few who can match Amy's credentials.

For family law cases involving domestic violence, stalking or harassment, Oklahoma law requires court experts to have at least 16 hours of domestic violence training. Amy Page has surpassed that 16 hour requirement, and she attends additional domestic violence training annually.

Amy Page is one of only a few Oklahoma parenting coordinators who have parenting coordination training from the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC). Her practice as a neutral court expert is shaped and informed by best practices as established by the AFCC and Oklahoma law. In 2021, she became a District Judge for the Cherokee Nation. Amy Page has experience handling cases at trial and on appeal as well as making judicial decisions for all types of family law cases.

Whether serving as a guardian ad litem or as a parenting coordinator, Amy's goal is to be open with both sides regarding the facts and her conclusions and recommendations. She works to be available to both sides equally and to consider carefully any information either side wishes to offer, including free and open communication with all attorneys. Once Amy is prepared to make recommendations, she is transparent about the factors that went into that recommendation. When presenting a report to the court, Amy Page stands behind her report and supports her recommendations with facts and information. As an officer of the court, her priority is to make her reports a reliable foundation for decisions as to custody and parenting time.

For more information about Amy Page's work as a neutral court expert, including information about her process, rate and retainer requirement, contact her by email at or by calling (918) 208-0129.